Checking in with Natasha Bowdoin

In TDG’S latest Q&A series, Meredith checks in with artist Natasha Bowdoin. The two talk Bowdoin’s recently finished semester at Rice University in Houston, how she’s adjusting to shelter-in-place, creating art with her toddler, her latest...

Talley Dunn Gallery Collection Picks

Talley Dunn Gallery has a unique and extensive collection of contemporary art within the gallery complex and from recent projects.  In an effort to highlight a few of these works, we are excited to share a grouping of our team’s personal favorites from our vast...

Cynthia Mulcahy’s Shelf Life

The Nasher Sculpture Center’s project Shelf Life recently featured the different cultural media Cynthia Mulcahy has been indulging in during shelter-in-place. Mulcahy shares:It’s Spring 2020 and we’re in the midst of the pandemic lockdown, so I am spending more...

Linda Ridgway’s Works in Progress

View the artworks Linda Ridgway is presently creating in her studio. Hear the artist discuss the direct burnout method she uses to create her unique bronze sculptures and why La Grande Finale will most likely be the last series of daisies she does. Listen to Linda...

In the Studio: Linda Ridgway

Get an intimate look into Linda Ridgway’s creative process and hear her thoughts on creating during these times. Topics touched on include the loss of physical closeness and nature as a source of hope. Listen to Linda Ridgway, Talley Dunn, and Kimberly Yu...

Zoom Q&A

Talley Dunn Gallery invites you to stay connected with us in a new Q&A series! This week we’re answering your questions from how the gallery got its start to what we envision for the future. Question timestamps:  1:27 – How did each of you come to your...

Meet the Team

Meet our team!Talley: Owner/Founder + Visionary LeaderLoving: I’m super excited to be working with an amazing team at the Carnegie Museum of Art on a community based project with Margarita Cabrera set for this fall.Seeing: Just three weeks ago, I saw the extraordinary...

In the Viewing Room: Leonardo Drew

Did you know that we have a separate viewing space aside from the project, middle and main galleries? Our viewing room is where we alternate curated paintings and sculptures that you might not have seen before. See what’s in the viewing room from the comfort of your...

TDG Trails

Follow our team as we explore the trails featured in Cynthia Mulcahy’s A Field Guide to Wild Fauna of Dallas, Texas. Email or tag us using #TDGTrails to share your own adventures! Cynthia Mulcahy's Artist...